The Power of Camp

As 2023 winds down I thought I would take a moment to update you on our five camps across B.C. I am very excited to share that all five of our camps had a “normal” summer this year. A normal summer includes overnight campers and day campers. A normal summer means we were able to hire staff and recruit volunteers. Campership Aid – helping campers who can’t afford camp – is very much part of a normal summer. And in a normal summer, we strive to give each camper the best week of their summer. Why? A camper having fun, eating well, and sleeping well, finds themselves in an environment where they are very receptive to the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.
Your support of BCMB Camps directly helps in each of these areas, enabling our camps to reach their full ministry potential – seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus! Our camps are truly a powerful ministry. Many campers once again came to know Jesus for the very first time. Our young staff grew in their relationship with Jesus and gained valuable life and leadership skills. We are very thankful for a normal summer.
Rikk, our director from Gardom Lake, writes, “It was such an encouragement on Thursday night to see a camper walk up to a couple of our staff and ask if they could lead him in a relationship with Jesus. I just love seeing that some of our veteran leaders take some of our younger leaders under their wings and walk through this experience with them.”
We have many more stories we could share, stories of campers coming to know Christ high up on the zipline, stories about camps giving out hundreds of Bibles this summer resulting in campers bringing Bibles home for their non-church families. It’s truly a joy to be part of such an exciting ministry.
If you have a spare six minutes and twenty seconds I encourage you to watch our latest video where I interview our directors and ask them important questions like, “If you were to break into tuck at midnight, what would be your go-to item?” You can find the video just above on our home page.
On behalf of Camp Bob, Gardom Lake, Camp Likely, Pines, and Stillwood, thank you for your continued support.
May you richly experience the true meaning of Christmas this year!
Bob “Ranger” Kroeker
Executive Director